How focusing on customers first and foremost can improve profitability, EY (2020)
Profitability improves through customer centricity A radical commitment to deeper customer centricity and employee engagement can translate into real competitive…
Kundenbeziehungen sicher durch die Krise navigieren, PwC (2020)
Gute Kundenbeziehungen sind in unsicheren Zeiten besonders wichtig, so auch in der aktuellen Coronakrise. PwC zeigt sechs funktional-strategische Hebel auf,…
The Value of Customer Experience, HBR (2015)
Peter Kriss has found it is possible to quantify the impact of customer experience—and the effects are huge. Customer experience…
Top 10 reasons why CUSTOMER CENTRICITY is more important today than ever (09/2020)
Customer Centricity has been a topic for years. It is nothing new. If we add the era of „the customer…
Customer Centricity starts with a Vision (07/2020)
A vision explains, where the company wants a certain group of people to be, because of the company’s services. In…
Define Customer Centricity for me (1/2020)
Customer Centricity can be defined as putting the customer first, without forgetting your own interest.Meaning that your action should all…
Customer First – How to create customer centric business, KPMG (2017)
How to create customer centric business and compete in the digital age. Today’s customers are better informed, better connected and…
Customer Centricity gilt als Gewinner-Strategie, Horizont Magazin (2019)
Passgenaue Produkte, perfekter Service, Werbung ohne Streuverluste – CUSTOMER CENTRICITY gilt als entscheidende Gewinner-Strategie, beflügelt durch die Digitalisierung. Customer Centricity,…
Global Customer Experience Excellence Reports, KPMG (2019)
Customer first. Customer obsessed. Everything about the customer is changing – motivations, connections, expectations, time and purchasing power. Life events…
Why Customer Centricity matters. (Peter Fader, 2011)
Watch Peter Fader explain Customer Centricity and why it matters. Peter Fader from the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) is…