Educative videos on customer centricity

Find below a hand selected collection of educative videos on customer centricity and connected topics. Take your time to listen to some real experts explain the relevance of customer centricity, the elements that support customer centricity, how customer centricity increases the resilience of your company and much more.

Videos in English, sorted by date

A Call for Customer Centricity with Prof. Peter Fader (2020)

Rohan Sajdeh, The Boston Consulting Group: How Companies Can Achieve True Customer Centricity, „. (2019)
Peter Fader: The customer isn’t always right, but some customers are better than others. (2019)
Professor Peter Fader on Customer Centricity: Wharton Lifelong Learning Tour (2012)
Peter Fader: Customer Centricity and Why It Matters. (2011)

Ranjay Gulati, Harvard Business School professor talking about what customer centricity really means and refering to his book Reorganize for Resilience: Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business. (2010)

Videos auf Deutsch, nach Datum

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine handverlesene Sammlung von lehrreichen Videos zum Thema Kundenzentrierung und damit verbundenen Themen. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit und hören Sie sich an, wie Experten Customer Centricity verständlich erklären oder den Status Quo von Kundenzentrierung beurteilen. Mehr folgt in Kürze.

ShiftCX Talk mit Caroline Schliephake zu aktuellen Trends in der Kundenzentrierung (2021, Centricity Consulting)
„Customer Centricity“ Buzzword oder nachhaltige Strategie?
Caroline Schliephake mit einer Einführung in das Thema Customer Centricity, inklusive Best Practice Case

If you are more interested in reading about customer centricity, check out the book section or press archive.

If you have any recommendation for educative videos on customer centricity, please email the corresponding youtube ore vimeo link to